Contact Us
We're Glad You're Here!
Office Tel: 780-757-0779
Email: ourwestchurch@outlook.com
We welcome guests to join our worship services and to join our church family. We would love to stay in touch with you. Please share your contact information.
How may we help you?
We want to connect with you and serve you better. Please click on the button below and complete the details so we can help you. You may request any of the following:
Bible Study
A phone call or visit from the pastors or elders
I'm new to Edmonton and would like someone to contact me
Request to Transfer Membership
to initiate the process​
Request to Dedicate a Child
to initiate the process ​
KEEPING IN TOUCH: We are collecting contact information of church members and friends.
Names (individuals, couples, parents, children)
Phone numbers (home & cell)
Birthdays (year not needed) & Anniversaries
Occupation (optional)
Please click here to share your contact information. Please note that this information will eventually become a part of our Church Directory.
Additionally, we ask that you email us your favourite, recent family picture to ourwestchurch@outlook.com In the Subject Line add your Last Name, first name PICTURE.
This will make it easier for us to communicate with you and for church friends to keep in touch. Thank you.
9949 -149Street
Edmonton, AB T6L 3X7
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